And this was the secret to a very satisfying day.Began with the satisfaction of cleaning up the room, at least the floor. Then the first serious putter in the garden, which was basically chopping up weeds, shaking out soil, and starting to reestablish garden beds. Then went Coop shopping with Emily, during which time I made a mess with each item I was getting - overspilled the bulk oil, dribbled the beans, blopped the tahini. I said to Em, I should volunteer here as a clean-up person. Anyway we got quite a bit of food, with a good focus on vegetarian staples like rice and beans, but they added up ($180). Came home and took Madders for a good run, shorts and t-shirt weather, one of the medium-length runs from here, through the meadow (looked like the bald eagle was back), down to Evergreen (windier day then I thought) and through the woods (so many trilliums blooming) and back out near Doug's house and home.
Then a very satisfying shower because I was sooo dirty.
...i'm going to have to finish this later...
4-25 - this is later, and I am having a VERY similar day, only took Emma on the same walk with Maddy (slight variation in trails). Even had a nap too, and cleaned up room, and am going to garden next. Yesterday was Procession, the all-year Oly high for feeling satisfied, impressed and lifted by all the great and extroverted folks who come out to prance and play. Great drumming and good music all around, well spaced. Samba Olywa has like 200 people or something! I love all the bodies being flaunted. Tons of kids this year, too, meadows of em. Sprinkling throughout of people I know, but I went alone and did feel kind of cast away, without a kid or friend or partner to wander with.
The smiley face at the bottom of the list is because I added "tibor's thing" (he gave a great presentation on his parents journey through and out of Auschwitz and into Canada) after I went - in compulsive list fashion. The pleasure of looking back at the list.
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