this is just our driveway - we can walk right from here over to the Evergreen woods and beach
For the first time in a long time this fall I've had no dogs at home to take me out on adventures. I still run and get out there but don't walk so much. With friends walking is a lot of talking - which I love too, but I tend to walk without seeing; I can find I've walked for miles and barely seen where I was, other than the stunning mushroom or flower that pops up and commands attention. My head is filled with the conversation, with what I'm going to say next, with how much I can ask my friend to reveal beyond what they have just shared that has intrigued me.
We pass this bog, which 36th Loops around - see the red maple in the distance? Here are few of its leaves.
Running I love too but again am much less sensitive to surroundings. I don't listen as well. Listening is so important and so hard to do, with all the clamor in my brain immediately giving an opinion. I would get a lot less upset at people it I just listened and didn't immediately check what I hear against my bank of facts and find a need to defend or put forth my position. Even in my own head, my own conversations I don't listen. Always putting up other points of view, projecting scenes, how will I say this later, how will I describe this thought I had...
Mud Bay at bottom of
Eld Inlet
looking right up towards
Puget Sound; a big
madrona tree hangs
over the beach here
Such good places to unthink.
Got into documenting patterns - here are a few:
These are some really beautiful pictures