Em came up from Portland and we've been doing wholesome domestic things. We went and picked the big pumpkin Dan and I have been growing - Dan had been disappointed the pumpkin vine seemed to put out very few fruit but then again, 3 pumpkins that are ... just went outside to weigh it... 28 pounds WITHOUT the guts, well that's not disappointing at all.
Emily saw a mastiff dog with grizzled jowls on the earth-side of the pumpkin, so we drew this face to use the natural features. But we couldn't cut OUT the jowls or we'd lose the texture so we just scraped out the insides to get the effect. Worked pretty well!

While carving we toasted the pumpkin seeds, of which there were many, tossed with grapeseed oil and sea salt and baked until golden and crunchy. Then Em made a gluten-free pumpkin bread just with the chunks of pumpkin taken off for the ears etc., using coconut and rice flour, pecans and carob chips - wow, spectacularly yummy. I went to bed but Em stayed up to put together a costume for me for the Blue Line March, which I'll tell you about in another post (see 350.org, there may even be photos soon of our march downtown today if you look up Olympia - I'm the one who's taught a fish to ride a bicycle).
When I got home we took Maddie for a walk across the street through the beautiful woods with all the big yellow Big Leaf Maple leaves glowing along the path (darn, didn't bring her camera), and I took her for the first time to the enormous granddaddy Douglas Fir deep in the woods - truly a HUGE and special tree. Just a magnitude of order more magnificent than your ordinary trees.
Got home, put the chickens away, made ourselves a fine pizza using all kindsa garden veggies. Michael came in having had a long day planting a forest garden, and later Naomi came home with sleeping Noah having been at a cider pressing party. So you see I'm serious when I say we've had a wholesome day, in a wholesome household, in wholesome ol' Olympia.